Creating healthy boundaries as a Black woman

"My boundaries give me space to flow with creativity and connection"
- Valerie Weyland, nurturer of Ayune hair

As a spiritually grounded Black woman, I have discovered the beauty of 'boundaries with kindness' as it creates openings to deeper moments of inner wellbeing in my life. There's no malice, discontent or fear, it's just an inner knowing and nurturing of the sacredness of my body, mind and soul.

Boundaries with kindness as a Black woman looks like

inner peace
inner bliss
inner expansion
inner joy
inner contentment

There is so much turmoil in the external world, whether it be pertaining to my Blackness, my womanhood or the societal expectations of others, that this simple practice helps to create balance and harmony in my now.

I wanted to create a visual embodiment of this inner journey as we lean into the sacredness of our being as Black women, so I invited my fellow soul sister, Vuma, to create art together and this was the magical unfolding of it.

Chapter 1: Creating Boundaries as a Black woman
Chapter 2: Bringing voice to my inner nurturing (Vuma shares her story, stay tuned)

Soul Sister: @brownbodied
Ethical hair extensions: Body wave extensions 18" and 20" (Purchase here)
Photographer: Valerie Weyland

Ayune hair - Ethical hair extensions (Black woman sitting in a garden reading a book)

Ayune hair - Ethical hair extensions (Black woman laying in a garden smelling flowers)

Ayune hair - Ethical hair extensions (Black woman sitting in a garden with flowers next to her feet))

Ayune hair - Ethical hair extensions (Black woman sitting in a garden smiling)

Ayune hair - Ethical hair extensions (Black woman laying in a garden reading a book)

Ayune hair - Ethical hair extensions (Black woman laying in a garden)

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